Before you start

This guide assumes that you know how to

Accept payments with CPay

Prepare the client session

CPay requires the following data to process a payment successfully. Pass the following data in the client session, or in the payment request (for manual payment creation).

Parameter NameRequiredDescription
3-letter currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. USD for US dollars
  1. order
Details of the line items of the order
  1. metadata
  2. monext_contracts

The e-commerce contract code or number

Prepare the SDK for payments

Show Universal Checkout

CPay is automatically presented to the customer when calling Primer.showUniversalCheckout.

try {  await Primer.showUniversalCheckout(clientToken, {    container: '#checkout-container',    options,    onCheckoutComplete({ payment }) {      console.log('Checkout complete.', payment)    },  })} catch (e) {  // handle error}


Check the customization guide to learn how to customize payment method buttons.

const options = {  /* Other options ... */  style: {    paymentMethodButton: {      background: string,      borderRadius: number | string,      boxShadow: string,      borderColor: string,      height: number,      primaryText: TextStyle,      logoColor: logoColor,      marginTop: string,    },  },}

Go live

You don’t need to do anything particular to go live — just make sure to use production credentials.